I have had a lot of discussions lately about lists. Lists of our desires: dream house features, companion characteristics, next new car requirements, etc. Perhaps it is a list of a dream wedding (as my daughter is getting married, we have this kind of list in abundance), a dream marriage (2.3 kids, live in West Virginia, in a four bedroom ranch), a dream career, a dream life, etc. Some lists are short term list of a kitchen remodel and some are long term lists of a five year plan, ten year plan and so on. I would guess that we all make these kinds of lists, whether just mentally or on paper. I have lists too. I have “To Do” lists, packing lists, dream vacation lists, etc. Several months back I believed that God was going to provide me with a “new to me” car, therefore I made a mental list of the desired car’s characteristics. I was very conservative with my list and had only 3 or 4 requirements but I did have an additional list of desires relating to the more frivolous features. When I started looking around for a car, I looked at cars that matched my list. I searched within a 3 hour radius of my house for the car that would fulfill my desires. But doors kept closing, either the cars were already sold, they would not negotiate on the price, or they ended up not being as advertised. I must say, I was quite disappointed. It was a Friday evening as I sat on my sofa in deep depression that there appeared to be roadblocks everywhere I turned. I KNEW that God was bringing me a car so why couldn’t I find it. As I sat on that sofa feeling a whole lot sorry for myself and desiring for someone to share in my misery, I called my brother. During the course of our very short conversation, his words made me realize that the list I had made of my car and the list that God had were two different lists. It was possible that God desired a car for me that I would NEVER have chosen for myself. Once I was able to pull my eyes off of my lists and the closed doors, it was then that God brought me the car that was perfect for me. When I went to test drive the car, to be completely honest, I didn’t love the car. I did feel that it was the right car for me but it was definitely not a car that I would have EVER chosen for myself. Because I did feel it was the car God brought me, I bought it even though I really didn’t love it. Right after purchasing the car, I took off on a very long trip with this car. Over the course of the 2 ½ weeks, I realized that the car that GOD chose for me was far superior to anything that I would have chosen for myself and was very thankful for all of the closed doors and the missed opportunities. Now each day as I sit at my kitchen table and look out at the car that God brought me, I realize that I really love that car. I love the looks. I love the comfort. I love power. I simply love my car. All the while knowing that the car matched God’s list of requirements and not mine.
So when I think of the other lists that I have made, either on paper or mentally, I realize that if I will just submit those lists to God, He will far exceed anything that I could come up with. Perhaps it is because I am a single person of a certain age but I do have a list of characteristics that I would like to have in the man that I will marry. I believe my list to be noble and does not lean toward vanity. But then I think about my car and I realize that I would rather God chose my husband, whether he matches my list or not, because God’s choice will far exceed anything I could think to put on my list.
I believe the same thing regarding a job. I could make a list of requirements for a job: pay, benefits, etc. or I can just surrender my will to God’s and let Him choose the one that is right for me for right now. Perhaps the pay will be less than what I am used to but I know that there will be a purpose and I will love it because God deemed it to be the right one for me for this moment.
Don’t mistake me and believe that a person cannot make their own choice in a vehicle, house, spouse, job, etc. and have the blessings of God. My point is merely that God’s list is far superior to mine and takes into account every eventuality. I truly would rather have God’s list and not my own. So it does not matter what your list is regarding, if you will truly and completely surrender that list to the Creator of the world, and trust Him, what you will receive will far exceed all expectations.
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