Good Morning and welcome to a new week. Last evening a friend texted me inquiring about my well-being. I tried to walk the line of telling the truth yet speaking in faith. As I thought of how I would respond, a bit of the fog of despair lifted and I saw clearly how this precious walk that I have started on is not based on whether I am “OK” or horrible, it doesn’t matter whether I am weeping or laughing. This walk isn’t based on how I feel at any given moment but instead is based on the Word of God, which never changes. God’s word is solid, secure, reliable and consistent, it does not change with a person’s mood or any particular situation. So though I have my mountaintop experiences, moments of heart-break, times of trials or euphoria; my walk never changes. You see, I made a decision that I would walk the path that God chose for me; regardless of what that path included. If that path was lined with shade trees and flowers or if it went through a barren land, I would walk it. As I walk that path, my feelings might get a bit involved and I may cry out that the path is too hard, too painful and leaves me too broken but really, it will not keep me from following where my Lord calls. This path I follow isn’t about whether it is easy or hard. It isn’t about what people say or don’t say. This path isn’t about being sensible or logical but rather about following my Savior. There is only one feeling that matters in this walk and that is the love that I share with my God. The love that took him to a cross. The love that caused him to reach for me when I was so unfaithful to Him. The love that overlooked what I deserved but instead showered me with mercy and grace. Our love and devotion one for another is the only feeling that really matters.
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