Being a person that was blessed to be born with sight, I absolutely cannot imagine not being able to see. Sure I could cover my eyes for a few hours or days but I would know that once I took that cloth off I would be able to see. When I go to Lake Michigan and see the sunset, whether with the vibrant reds and oranges or with the cool blues and pinks, I am thankful for my sight. I look at my children and know I am blessed to be able to visually see them grow and develop into attractive adults. When I looked at the very tiny fingers and toes of my friends’ premature baby, I was in awe at the blessing that my eyes witness. When I see the harbor of Port aux Basques, the waves pounding at Fluer de Lys, or the colorful, vibrant buildings of St. John’s… when I see these things I realize how truly blessed I am to have sight. I have witnessed so many beautiful sights in my life that I would not want to trade. I can’t imagine my life without sight and I don’t want to.
But there is something more devastating than to lose than your sight and that is to lose your vision (or fail to get one in the first place). God has blessed me with visions that I wouldn’t trade. Visions of a future working in His kingdom. Visions of my loved ones being fervent and passionate for Jesus. Visions of a life that, though not necessarily comfortable, is fulfilling because I am living in His perfect will. These visions are strong. These visions pull me through when my flesh wants to give up. The God given visions give strength and back-bone to a life that is without direction and purpose. These visions are dynamic, exciting, beautiful and without compare and I don’t want to imagine my life without them. If there came a time to choose between sight and a vision from God, may my heart always choose the vision. For without a vision from our heavenly father, where would we receive direction, without a vision how would we have the courage to stand, without a vision where would we get our hope. I pray that my heart always seeks to have that clear vision.
Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish….”
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