God… omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent… This God that I serve is so large that he is… literally everywhere. I cannot go to the depths of the sea but what he is there. I cannot take a rocket to the outer reaches of the universe but what he is there. He is at my work with me. He is at my home. Every place I go, he is there. When I was in my mother’s womb, he was there. The “Bigness” of God is indescribable. God is also all knowing. With one glance he sees everything from the beginning of time to eternity. He knows every thought I have, whether good or bad. He knows every corner of my heart, whether surrendered or not. He knows my heartaches and hurts. He knows my joy and my love. God knows all of my yesterdays and all of my tomorrows. God’s knowledge is so far above ours that mere words could not adequately convey his knowledge, his wisdom, his understanding. We can’t fail to talk of God omnipotent characteristic. God is all powerful. His voice is so powerful that he can merely speak and light will appear. With his voice the worlds were created. He tells the oceans how far to come, the sun when to rise, and the earth when to shake.
My ability to describe God’s largeness is limited to mere words. Though I were a poet, I could not convey the magnitude of the greatness of my God. Though I were a songwriter, I could not write a song that would express the power and majesty of my savior. What really struck me yesterday is in the largeness of God, in his holiness, in his power and glory… within all of that there was a special love for a singular creature that he created. A love so wonderful and true that he would wrap all of that splendor into an ordinary human. Not a human that would be born elite and protected from the hurts and pains of life but one that would be tortured and killed. God’s love for us was so great that he refused to call the angels to protect him from pain. When the whips came down on his back and tore the flesh and muscles from his ribs, he didn’t speak death to his tormentors because his love was so selfless. Even as he walked the dusty roads of this world that he created, he ministered to the hurting, he touched those that were afflicted, he spoke words of life and peace. As he was on this earth, he purposely limited himself to time, to physical limitations (he hungered, he become fatigued) all because he loved us enough to want to understand our temptations, our hurts, our limitations.
When a God so powerful and so wonderful comes down to where I am and loves me… how can I do less than give him my all? How can I decide that I want what I want more than what he wants? How can I decide that serving him is too hard? How can I seek a life of comfort over a life that he desires for me? There really isn’t anything that he could ask that I should refuse because he gave his all for me.
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