Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Consistent Witness

"Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savor; so doth a little folly him that in reputation for wisdom and honor." Ecclesiastes 10:1

Have you ever wondered how your harvest field views your walk with God? Do you think they see you as consistent and faithful? Would your harvest field see that you have grown closer to God or farther away? Do you think your witness is just as sweet and healing as it was last week or last year or five years ago? Or do you think they find you changeable? Does your harvest field come to you for wisdom and direction in their walk with God or with only jokes and light-hearted matters?

For quite some time I have been going through a very hard time physically, emotionally and thereby spiritually. There were times I felt so broken, abandoned, depressed, anxious and betrayed that my faith was just a glimmer. It was all I could do to get up in the morning, get to work and cope with the necessities of life. I didn't want to talk with anyone. I didn't want to be nice. I didn't want to care about my co-workers' problems or concerns because, after all, I had my own. There were times I was so low that I just wanted to shut the door on the world until life got better, until I was healed, until I was strong again. But as a follower of Christ, that wasn't what I was called to do. Jesus didn't give me salvation and His Spirit to hide it from those that needed to see Him through me. It seemed to never fail on those days that life was at it's most difficult that God would open my eyes and I would see the hurting, the seeking, the need for a savior. More days than not, God had to remind me that my harvest field is judging my witness and though I am going through a prolonged trial my witness must not waiver. Just because times may be difficult does not change God's goodness or grace so I must consistently display that goodness and grace to my harvest field. Your harvest field isn't judging you for having a difficult time or a trial but they will notice HOW you go through it. When life is tough do you pick up a vice rather than prayer? When someone hurts or betrays you, do you pull away from God or draw closer to him? Do you change your convictions or beliefs on a regular basis based on who you are with, what day of the week it is or where you go to church? Is the light of Jesus shining brightly through your life or does it flicker and blink like a shorting out light bulb?

My prayer and desire is to be a consistent witness and to be identified as an ardent follower of Christ and growing ever closer to him.

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