Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Restored: Value

I recently listened to a sermon preached by Rev. Devin Akers. He had titled it the Profitable Prodigal. In the sermon he gave an illustration. He held up an $100 bill and asked what the value was and the response was obviously it is worth $100. He put it in his left hand and asked what the value was and it was still worth $100. Regardless of where he held the $100, the value did not change. Even if he lost the money, the value was consistent the only thing different was his ability to make use of its value. To me that was quite a revelation. He went on to say that many times when we see someone walk away from God, or even when we turn away, we feel that the value of that person is lost also.What kind of value would a person that has once known God but has turned way? The value of that soul is still there the only thing different is the ability to use the value.

"Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." Galations 6:1

Restore in that verse means to thoroughly repair. How does one go about thoroughly repairing the soul of another person? We aren't God, we cannot do any miracles on our own power. It is through prayer, fervent prayer and fasting that we can restore such a one that has fallen away. Isaiah 58:12 says, speaking of fasting, "And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in." When we offer the sacrifice of our time and energy into fasting and prayer, we can change the lives of a prodigal and the lives of their children and grandchildren. When we consider the value of the successive generations of a restored prodigal, it is immeasurable to the kingdom of God.

Do you know of a prodigal? Are you a prodigal? There is still value in that precious soul. Regardless of where sin has taken you, there is still value in your life. Just because someone has allowed sin to take them as far from God as is possible, do not write their value off. There isn't a sin too big for my Jesus to forgive and restore life. There isn't a life so torn apart that Jesus didn't die on a tree to redeem. I implore you to pray and fast for the prodigals in your harvest field. In doing so, you will be a restorer of paths to dwell in.

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