Thursday, August 27, 2015

His Word, My Heart

"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sancified thee..." Jeremiah 1:5a

I believe that God cares about every aspect of our lives. Many times we seek God about the big things in life, such as our ministry, our finances, our housing, etc. but fail to seek him for daily direction. My belief is that if it concerns us then it most definitely concerns God.

Several weeks ago I felt very strongly that God told me to deal with my issues. These are issues that He has repeatedly dealt with me about for years. He has convicted me, chastised me and lovingly spoke with me about changing BUT I would pay it lip service, make a small attempt, and when not successful, just give up. This time though He was serious. To get my attention, He took from me the blessing that I purely loved and I was completely devastated and heartbroken. He reminded me, "I told you years ago to deal with these issues. NOW DEAL WITH THEM!" In the face of such a heartbreaking loss and concerned how bleak the future would be if I did not obey God, I asked God to help me. Now there are things in our physical life that we must change, that though not easy are at least tangible so you can wrap your mind around how to do it. If God tells you to quit smoking, though not easy, it is a concept that can be understood and help to be found. Same thing is true with drinking, gambling, stealing, etc. But matters of the mind and heart are another thing altogether. It is easy to say, "don't hold a grudge" or "you shouldn't be bitter" or "you must forgive if you want forgiven" but the reality of not holding a grudge, being bitter or forgiving is a concept that sometimes is hard to put into practice. It isn't like we can hold a grudge in our hand and take it to the trash can and release it. So wrapping my mind and understanding on how to deal with the heart of the inner man has proved to be tough. But God has assured me time and time and time again that I am not on this journey alone, he is always with me. When I start letting my mind focus on the negative, he brings a word that chastises. When I find bitterness growing, he brings a word that reminds me to kill it before it starts. When I find myself not wanting to forgive, he asks me if I want to be forgiven. Yesterday, while at work, God reminded me of Phillippians 4:8-9 "Finally, brethern, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you." So when my heart is hurting or my mind is racing thinking about the injustices, I must change my thinking. I must turn my heart to the pure and the lovely. Changing the inner heart of man will not be an overnight process but by the help and grace of God I will be victorious.

Do you find yourself struggling with bitterness and anger in your heart? Do you give the excuse, "well I am just bull-headed/hot tempered/intolerant and that is the way I have always been." I submit that God is calling you to a deeper walk that requires you to cleanse your heart and soul (and your actions) of anger, bitterness, lust, stubborness, unforgiveness and other strong emotions that defile your soul. Take some time today to ask God to reveal to you anything in your heart that He doesn't want there and ask him to help you remove it. It may not easy but be assured God is right there with you. He does truly care about your heart.

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