Something has been bothering me lately. Perhaps this blog isn't the place to vent my concern. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to shut my mouth, keep my fingers still and just pray. It bothers me that people do not seem to have any personal convictions. Whatever the standard is set by the church they presently attend is the standard by which they live... sometimes. Then one day they change churches, perhaps they change churches for a legitimate reason or perhaps it is because they are seeking a church that is more perfect in their eyes. Whatever the reason that they change, they seem to start changing the standard by which they have lived for many, many years. Perhaps it isn't a sin issue but it bothers me that people seem to change their standards by whatever suits them at that particular moment or by what they feel they can get by with and still be utilized in their local assembly. The problem that I have with this is a bit two-fold. First, is their convictions or standard by which they live based on their relationship with their pastor or is it based on their relationship with God? Did they choose to live, dress and act a certain way merely because they were told to by a preacher or is it because they have grown in their relationship with God and he has guided them into leading a life that is above reproach? I believe that our relationship with God is what dictates what kind of life we live, it should not change just because we change churches or because we get a new pastor. The second concern I have with this wavering of our outward standard is the effect that this plays on our witness to our harvest fieldfu. Will our harvest field believe that we do have a relationship with God when we waver in our actions, dress and outward manifestations of holiness whenever we change churches or get a new pastor? Even the most heathen of our harvest field understands that it is God that changes people and not churches. Even the most sinful of those that watch us can discern whether we are truly serving God or serving our church. Having recently witnessed this type of behavior I am concerned that we as apostolic pentecostals have gotten into having an "apostolic lifestyle" and not really having an intimate, powerful relationship with our God and Savior.
Romans 12:1-2
1. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
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