Romans 7:15-25 (The Message)
“I know that all God’s commands are spiritual, but I’m not.
Isn’t this also your experience?” Yes. I’m full of myself—after all, I’ve spent
a long time in sin’s prison. What I don’t understand about myself is that I
decide one way, but then I act another, doing things I absolutely despise. So
if I can’t be trusted to figure out what is best for myself and then do it, it
becomes obvious that God’s command is necessary.
Two winters ago, the fan in my car was going out and driving
without heat in Michigan is a terrible idea. Changing the fan on my vehicle isn’t
a huge deal but does involve getting under the dashboard, which entails being
on the ground. I don’t know about you but I don’t relish lying or kneeling on
the cold and wet ground in the winter. Because it was winter and I didn’t have
the money to buy the fan, I prayed and asked God to let my fan work until the
weather got better. He did just that. It continued to work so I did not change
the fan. The next winter came and the fan quit working again and I once again
prayed for God to fix it until spring. He did it again. The fan continued to
work, except for a small hiccup in the fall so I once again did not change the
fan. Once again winter came around and guess what I had not done. The fan
remained unchanged but this time I didn’t ask God to fix the fan. Let me say, since
the time that the fan first started acting up, God has blessed me tremendously.
He has given me a job that more than doubled my income with the benefit of
working remotely. So I had the money, the time and spent time last winter and
this in warmer climate but the fan to this very day remains unchanged. The fan
works sometimes but not always. The part is very easy to change and is well under
$100 but is still unchanged. This winter I could not seem to bring myself to go
to God about this problem because I knew that it was my fault that it remained
unfixed. He had given me the time and resources that I needed in order to fix it
but I failed to do so. I even told those around me how God had caused the fan
to work the last two winters but I couldn’t ask Him again because He had done
His part and I failed to do mine. I know that may sound silly but every word of
it is true.
Spiritually this is where I find myself today, as I have so
many times before. I find myself doing things, saying things, focusing on
things that are not good. I find myself tripped up by the sin of pride,
bitterness, slothfulness and self. Each day I determine that I will live a life
that is devoted to prayer and service and each day I get distracted and fall
WAY short. I repent and am truly sorry that I am once again in the same place
that I have been so many times before. With every repentance my determination
to do better and live holy is renewed but I almost feel resigned to being at
this stage again and again. I am weary of falling short of what I know God is
calling me to be. I am bone-tired of repenting of the same things over and over
again. Each time I repent over the same mistakes, I wonder if there is any
point to repenting because I can’t seem to overcome. I question whether my
repentance is true because I keep coming back for the same thing. I could try
to comfort myself and say that even Apostle Paul struggled with doing things
that he knew wasn’t good or right. But that is little comfort and still doesn’t
fix my issue of not living an overcoming life.
But then I look at what Paul did to overcome those temptations,
poor choices and bad decisions. He turned to Jesus. Jesus is the only way that
I too can overcome. His Spirit truly living within me will provide me the
strength to say no to things that do not lead to everlasting life and to yield to
things that bring life and glory to Him. Each time I start the day yielding to Him
and obeying when He nudges me, my sensitivity to His will and mind will grow. When
I lay aside my fleshly desires and allow my desires to match His, I will be
able to overcome. Overcoming doesn’t just have to be a song that we sing or an emotion
that we feel while at church but it truly can be a way of life. We truly can
live above a life of sin and bondage. Regardless of where we are coming from,
we can live a life that is a holy example of God’s grace and mercy.
Overcoming will not be the end of repentance. Not at all. Repentance
should and will always need to be daily but it won’t be for the same failings,
the same short-comings or the same bad choices. After completely yielding to
His way and allowing the Holy Ghost to reign supreme in our life, repentance
will be deeper and more meaningful.
So I want to encourage myself and anyone reading this that is struggling with repeated sinful decisions, repent again. This time when you repent, allow God to stir up His Spirit within you. Repent again and then start each day seeking His face and end each night thanking Him for grace and mercy. Then repent again. Never ever tire of repenting and bringing your failures and short-comings to a just and merciful God.